Preparation and Attitudes of Sport Psychology Consultants toward Working with Athletes with Hidden Disabilities

Author Details

Robyn Braun-Trocchio, Kara Rosenblatt, Adriana Frates, Haidee Jackson

Journal Details


Published: 26 August 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Sport psychology consultants (SPCs) can be instrumental in helping athletes with hidden disabilities (HD) by providing psychological skills training. However, SPCs may not have the training to recognize the needs of athletes with HD or be able to change their instruction. This two-part study aimed to identify SPCs preparation and attitudes towards working with athletes with HD, and assess the potential impact of a continuing education workshop. In study one, participants agreed that athletes with HD have the right to be included in sports and do not need to have better athletic skills. Results indicated that SPCs have little specific training to prepare them to consult with athletes with HD. Students disagree that athletes with HD need to be included with non-disabled peers in sports, felt less comfortable and more concerned when consulting with athletes with HD. In study two, all the participants had a positive attitude toward working with athletes with HD. Following the workshop, the majority of participants had increased levels of comfort, confidence, knowledge, and a greater understanding of consulting with athletes with HD. Furthermore, most of the participants felt that students would benefit from increased training in this area. The findings underscore the need for improved education and training for SPCs to meet the needs of all athletes. SPCs may assist in providing a positive experience for all athletes regardless of disability. These findings offer insight into the implications of a continuing education workshop on SPCs’ knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy toward consulting with athletes with HD.

Keywords: ADHD, ASD, SLD, Sport Psychology.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Robyn Braun-Trocchio, Kara Rosenblatt, Adriana Frates, Haidee Jackson. (2024-08-26). "Preparation and Attitudes of Sport Psychology Consultants toward Working with Athletes with Hidden Disabilities." *Volume 6*, 1, 43-51